It's Friday and sometimes I feel I should change this blog to the above title. Like most people, it seemed like a great idea to do a blog and I knew it would be tough to come up with time to work on it, but it really is difficult to make the time. But I will keep at it and hopefully get better.
But I never seem to run out of things my boss said to me. So this one goes back a ways to the mid-80's. I worked in a bond house and it was very much a locker room with ties kind of atmosphere. The brokers were in long rows all facing the trading desk in the middle. I was an assistant and we all sat in a group off to the side. So, I'm walking through the row of brokers to get to my guy and this one random guy, not even one i knew very well grabs my butt - with both hands and grabs hard. One cheek in each hand. I was pretty young and it was pretty shocking. Well this was the 80's and he was presumably coked up, which was the explanation for his behavior.
I was pretty upset and so my boss calls me in. Now remember this is before sexual harassment days. That just didn't exist. So, he chuckles and says I just figured you knew him. Like that meant it was OK. My boss was worthless. He said he'd talk to the guy, which I didn't believe. My guys - the ones I worked for - did much more. They tore into the guy. They made it clear that he had overstepped the lines. Then they shunned him. That was awesome. The boss did nothing, but my guys stood up for me.
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